How to Know That You Are Truly Connected to Spirit

As spiritual beings, we all have different ways of receiving information from spirit. And you should know, too, that everybody likes to work differently on the other side. Some of our natural abilities when connecting come through feeling, knowing, seeing, and hearing.

What is Clairsentience?

  • Have you ever walked into a room and sensed that something isn’t right?

  • Do you feel another person's illness or pain without them telling you what their current situation is?

  • Have you noticed how you're so sensitive to certain coverage on TV, radio, or movies? 

  • Do you feel somewhat influenced by people surrounding you with regard to their thoughts and moods? 

If any of that applies to you, then you are an empath. Most empaths are also considered to be clairsentient. Clairsentience is the ability to sense what other people are feeling. They take that emotion into their body and feel instinctual information about an event or a situation.

What is Claircognizance?

Claircognizance is the ability to have a clear knowing.

  • Do you ever ask a question internally, and then notice that the answer just pops into your head like a light bulb moment? You find out the answer is perfect, but you have no recollection of learning this information beforehand?

  • Do you enjoy figuring things out in your left brain? Do you find yourself being that person that everybody goes to for answers and problem-solving? It could be work-related. It could be a personal issue. It could be really anything but somehow you just always know the answer. 

  • Do you have a feeling when someone is able to be trusted or not without an explanation? That's not a judgment, but really just knowing. 

What is Clairvoyance?

  • Do you ever notice flashes of pictures and symbols, colors, or numbers right in your mind's eye? Do you find it easy to visualize places, people, etc.? It seems as if a movie is playing right in your mind's eye or where you daydream easily?

  • Can you see flashes of light or movement in the corners of your eyes? 

  • Can even see like a colored glow around a person or see orbs? 

Clairvoyance is the ability to see a spirit or the images sent to us telepathically by a spirit. The two types of clear-seeing are objective (physical images) and subjective (mental images). 

What is Clairaudience?

  • Do you enjoy and need quiet? 

  • Do you sometimes hear your name in your mind when you're alone? 

  • Does too much noise make you feel annoyed, tired, or ungrounded? 

  • Do you notice a dramatic shift when you listen to music?

If you answered yes to any of these new or experienced signs then you are clear-hearing. Sometimes, you can hear spirit or it’s your internal voice speaking to you. 

If you want to learn more about how to know that you’re truly connecting with spirit, listen here.


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